Open Talk: iPhone 93?

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Parents & Guardians: "Open Talk" is our way of continuing discussions we were not able to finish in class due to time constraints (or recess!) and allows the students more time to comment on it. The topics relate to "big ideas" in class and are a way of chronicling our deeper talks!

Deeper-Thinking Students: We had a great conversation today while preparing for our "letter to the future" assignments coming up when we talked about, What will the future look like? As global citizens, we need to keep in mind current actions that will benefit future societies. 

The topic soon turned to technology: will there finally be flying cars? Will there be an iPhone 93 by the year 2050? Will mp3 players be available as chips that we implant into our brains? Unfortunately, we did not have time to continue this discussion.

Here's your chance! Use the comments to discuss and predict how technology will be used in the future! Using our Twitter accounts, you could also send a tweet using the hashtag #iPhone93. We will check this hashtag and any comments tomorrow morning! 

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